If God wishes, he can take us to places, we could never even think of. Guiding the world through books and his sage preaching, Josephs pastor is a persuasive senior pastor at the New creation Church located in Singapore. April 17, 2016. Thank you for all you do. Philip preached the false gospel of the Greek god of Jesus to him in Verse 35 and the OFFENDING verse is verse 37 when he confessed that jesus christ is the son of god. The couple are now proud parents of 2 beautiful children named Jessica Shayna and Justin David. We do not have to do EXTRA by translating this name. GOD has used him 2 preach many people out of their bondagesIN NCC we get free bible collage lessons and revelations like none before. Joyce Meyer: If Its Broke, God Can Fix It, Joyce Meyer: Facing Fear and Finding Freedom, Joel Osteens Lakewood Church Partners With Samaritans Purse, Prophet Lovy: Biography, Parents, Church, Wife, Net Worth, Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional March 1 2023, Loretta Jones: Biography, Age, Family Life, Career, And Net Worth, Wendy Prince is from Singapore and also the, 51 Cuppage Road, #09-01, Singapore 229469. WHAT THIS MEANS is WE ARE STILL UNDER THE LAW (GODs LAW) not under GRACE. Keep preaching and enlightening us along with the healings. So Paul is a ravenous wolf from the tribe of Benjamin, who is also a blood brother of Joseph from the same mother, Rachel who also sinned by stealing the idols from her fathers house, see Genesis 31:19 does it sounds familiar because JPJ says Benjamin and Joseph are from the same mother of Grace and he also asked the same question publicly so if Rachel has stolen idols, how can she be a mother of Grace? Therefore, I love encouraging those injured by well meaning believers. He has impacted church leaders worldwide. He is a God sent, thank you very much Pastor Joseph to unveil Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The love of God is shed abroad in his heart. Joseph Prince, who was born on May 15, 1963, is 59 years old as of 2022. The total net worth of Joseph Prince is $6 million. I love to cover celebrity news around the world. He heads Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc, an international, non-profit organization that seeks to build, encourage and inspire people with the gospel of Jesus Christ through television broadcasting as well as new media technology. if so, he is a false prophet and the AntiChrist from the very pit of hell and so are you if you continue to believe that you are forever forgiven based on JPJs teachings when John says in 1 John 1:10, but offers verse 9 as a way of an escape yet JPJ preached an entire sermon saying it is not for a believer. Fan followers are always having craze on physical sturucture like hight, weight, eye colors, body shape and so on. Thanks for being the person that you are! Numbers 2:18 Ephraim camps in the WEST. He has always remained humble and owes all of his success to God. God blessings and favor always The best part of Isaiah 8:8 is that it links with Judah as mentioned in Psalms 78:68 so that no one who has understanding can dispute Gods words is false testimony. By born He is from Singapore. You can check the table to know about marital status and other information. It took about five times to really fire him before the message stuck . As according to Matthew 1:22-23 it was Joseph who called Baby Christ JESUS. The home town of this person is Singapore. Xenonamandar 12 letter word for Government I am so looking forward to meeting you and your beautiful family in heaven. i always thank God for him . I watch his show daily and thank god for putting him in my life. This simply means that his preaching is from somewhere else. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. It was one of the best services I have ever attended. But if you choose to defend JPJ, then be very aware that you have chosen to believe that Joseph is a clear picture of Jesus. He has a sweet Spirit about him. Glad to have 2 pastor prince, Vraiment souvent les gens les plus mchants sont des chrtiens lgalistes, ayant des visions humaines prts toujours b juger le ministre des autres et ne faisant rien de concret pour le seigneur . We have added the Diane Alexander's net worth, biography, age, height, weight, etc what you need. Monkey Prince #12 (Cover B InHyuk Lee Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Monkey Prince #12 (Cover C Bernard Chang Card Stock Variant), AR Nice House On The Lake Volume 2 TP, $19.99 Nightwing #100 (2nd Printing Cover A Bruno Redondo), $6.99 Nightwing #100 (2nd Printing Cover B Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), AR Poison Ivy #10 (Cover A Jessica Fong), $3.99 Now ETHIOPIANS reads in the reverse SNAIPOTHE means Satan Now AntiChrist is PRINCE of the ETERNAL. fulfills Isaiah 14:12-16 by declaring this jesus christ, a greek god is the son of god. Hmm, I just heard Joseph Prince this morning and he was talking about repentance. Pastor Prince is the son of a Sikh priest of Indian origin and a Chinese mother. They have a daughter, Jessica Shayna Prince, and a son, Justin David Prince. So HOW CAN the statement, Joseph is a CLEAR picture of CHRIST stands to be true???? He was a copy cat to show us that he knows nothing about the bible. ), "Church rejects report on pastor's net worth", "Singapore pastor Joseph Prince goes worldwide", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Joseph_Prince&oldid=1138561974, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 09:54. Joseph Prince is an amazing teacher who loves Jesus! In the below, you will get all the information about him birthday, birthplace and other related things. JUSTUS CROSS OUT JUST (for Justice), LEFT with US Net Worth in 2021. 7. the 7th KING, Joseph of Arimathea (being a disciple of jesus the greek god) appeared immediately as after IMMANUEL Christ died on the Cross and requested for His body. So his book Benjamin Generation as well as his other books destined to reign, unmerited favor etc. (NOT was added to correctly reflect my intentions). Josephs career as a preacher, priest, conference speaker, and author has transformed many lives and has brought many people to the right path. Joseph continues to inspire millions of people through his messages of grace and Gods unmerited favor. She finally found that in Hope Valley. He has been invited to preach millions of people living in countries like Australia, Great Britain, Indonesia, Norway, and the United States, to name a few. There are also seven kings. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. He died on February 12, 2019 in Santa Maria, California If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Yoga InstructorNeelu Shah comes from Hyderabad, Telangana (India). L jalousie dans le milieu chrtien est une vraie gangrne qui empche les paens de venir Christ Pendant quon construit les hommes, vous vous les dconstruisez avec vos langues venimeuses .Faites attention si non vous risquerez de combattre Dieu. But this teaching is far from the truth. Prince is worth at the moment. Grace and TRUTH comes from Christ. Josephs salary from the church has been a matter of dispute for some time, but the church bookkeeping records disprove it. He married his wife, Wendy Price, in 1995. 9th March 2022 8th May 2020 . 2. the 2nd KING, Joseph is mentioned in Number 13;7 as a SPY, 3. the 3rd KING, Joseph is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 25:2 as a MUSICIAN, 4. the 4th KING, Joseph is mentioned in Ezra 10:42-44 confessing to IMPROPER MARRIAGES, 5. the 5th KING, Joseph is mentioned in Nehemiah 12:14 as a PRIEST, 6. the 6th KING WHO IS the ANTICHRIST, is Joseph, none other than theearthy father of the Baby Christ who gave the name JESUS in Matthew 1:25 as accordinig to the wishes of an angel in Luke 2:21. As according to James 2:10, for whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in ONE POINT, HE IS GUILTY OF ALL.. As a wonderful mum, she has also committed herself to bring Jessica and Justin up in the ways of the Lord. The answer lies in the formula for the circumference of a circle (which knows NO END and the circle bears the reference of Circle of Life) = 2 (PI) R where PI is always 3.14. Born and raised in Singaporean. He runs a non-profit organization named Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc. Is Joseph Prince married or single? Revelation 17:10-11 John 4:22 says Salvation is of the Jews so why are we worshiping a name that is in Greek? Condemnation kills, but grace brings life! aman a man (of) Because MANY had interpreted Romans 1:17 with Hebrew 12:2 BUT the truth is God MUST see your faith because of Hebrews 11:6 She is a constant source of love and support to Joseph, and has committed herself to bringing Jessica and Justin up in the ways of the Lord. Under Josephs leadership, the church congregation has grown by more than a hundredfoldfrom about 150 to more than 30,000. Now for the MOST important desert Satan nor the Anti Christ can live Jesus. Pst. see 2 Chronicles 14:12, Jeremiah 13:23 and especially Acts 8:27 because the false gospel was preached to a Eunuch instructed by an angel (Satan, Lucifer) of the Lord. Here you will get Neelu Shah's height, weight, net worth, boyfriend, educational qualification and complete bio. The birth of the Antichrist is now given to you and it shall be on his natural and spiritual birthday in 2022 which coincides with the Blood Moon as a sign of the times to fulfill Matthew 24:29 when the stars will fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken to imply that Satan shall be cast out of heaven in Revelation 12:7-10. He was born on 15 May 1963 in Singapore. Apart from John, she is also the mother of one daughter named Jemma. Jessica Emily Schumer, a daughter of Iris Weinshall and Senator Chuck Schumer of Brooklyn, is to be married April 17 to Michael Paris Shapiro, the son of . linktr.ee/josephprince Posts Reels Videos Tagged Here you will get the details of Joseph Prince net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Manage Settings Understand, I am extremely careful when it comes to dropping namesthe fear of the Lord is all over me even as I write this. On 30 March 2009, there arose controversies. ASCII ARTS is definitely a false teacher, having both added to AND taken away from the Word of God. Celebs Wiki Joseph Prince fans also viewed: Christopher Nielsen Daniel David Era Natarasan Kim Hollingsworth Aidan Ryan Scott Rothbort Emily Bell Cho Kuk Edgar Berger James Cantor AND THE BEST PART OF THIS VERSE is IT IS IN WRITTEN IN THE NEW TESTAMENT so that YOU cannot deny this validity of this verse. Ascolta le prediche e poi rispondi e non giudicare per simpatia o sentito dire, Joseph Prince is an amazing man, he teaches the right biblical things that everyone would profit from learning, Christians sometimes use scriptures as weapons. We apply these teachings in our lives daily. It is finished, -is God good news. dar dar(kness), Look up the meaning behind Jega and it means Power. Her first husband was Joseph Cobb. Amen. He is credited with being a founding member of New Creations Church. While not confirming the identity of the employee, the church responded that its policy is to "recognize and reward key contributors to the church and Senior Pastor Prince is the main pillar of our church's growth and revenue. The leading teacher of what I believe to be the most dangerous, widespread heresy in the church today is the extremely popular pastor and teacher Joseph Prince. This implies that Christ who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron is also returning. the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition. Mar 8, 2014 - Jessica's 16th birthday..such great parents. The question to ask here is Christ just ascended to Heaven in Acts 1 and promised the coming of the Holy Spirit, does He need to personally supervise the conversion of Paul in Acts 9? He spent his primary school years in Perak, Malaysia. JosephThe Beloved Son Illustration by Sefira Ross. Here you will get Bernie Madoff's net worth, weight, height net worth, girlfriend, educational qualification and complete. She is a mother of two. A friend of Bassanio and Antonio, Lorenzo is in love with Shylock's daughter, Jessica. As Pastor Joseph has many times explained, to repent is to change the way we think. Dineshwar Sharma is a renowned Indian Civil Servant. Who you decide to believe and obey will determine your eternal fate. Few controversial facts have also been provided here. Note the Holy Spirit is very specific to mention his full name as Joseph called Barsabas who was surname Justus. To know if hes a genuine preacher or a false preacher, just look at his fruit. Joseph, in the Old Testament, son of the patriarch Jacob and his wife Rachel. These mysteries are possible by unlocking the following unsolved mysteries Jack The Ripper 1888, Jennifer Fairgate 1995 and finally Elisa Lam 2013 because the decoded message is the announcement of the arrival of Michael the Arc Angel has returned. We have covered the details of this the evangelist and senior pastor of New Creation Church based in Singapore. We understand your demand. The Antichrist is first known by his first name, Joseph. I.love u and your family, Ogula Johnson; Uganda. Isaiah 7:14 corresponds to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Joseph Miller Jr. was his oldest child, Jessica Miller was the middle child, and he had another daughter. On 15 April 2009, Deacon Matthew Kang, the church chair responded to the initial communication that his church was not a public charity and did not solicit public donations. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. I pray the Lord will open your eyes to the truth of this gospel of grace and will change your heart so that you can listen without judgment or condemnation. JOSEPH 6 letter word (See Matthew 1:24-25 and Luke 3:23, Son of Hell and Dan 11:38) Being one of the prominent preachers of the world, Joseph is a persuasive voice of this generations Grace Revolution. 4. josephprince Verified Follow 2,107 posts 1.1M followers 21 following Joseph Prince Official account of Pastor Prince managed by Team JP. In this writing, we have added the Big Chief's age, height, weight, net, Steven Allan Spielberg is Filmmaker from Los Angeles, California, USA. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'thepersonage_com-box-3','ezslot_7',139,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepersonage_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'thepersonage_com-box-3','ezslot_8',139,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thepersonage_com-box-3-0_1'); .box-3-multi-139{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}Have you heard the name of Joseph Prince? Derek and Lydia were married early in 1946, about a month before he received his discharge from the army in Jerusalem. Jessica Simpson and her father Joe have had a strained business relationship as well as a personal one. -He is a HYPOCRITE (see 1 Peter 2:1 and 3 where the same word was mentioned and about tasting Gods Goodness) because he says people should listen to his advice (see Acts 27:21) yet he himself disobeys the Holy Spirit. I was raised up in a church,bible study,choir and so on. Thank You for your service to God and Savior. Joseph Prince is a charismatic pastor of a very large church in Singapore. And according to the astrology tied to this name, the ruling planet of Jega is Saturn (Satan) and Huhusiee is a sound alike reference to Genesis 16:13 You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees. Wendy is a devoted wife to Joseph and a loving mother to Jessica Shayna and Justin David; she epitomizes the virtuous woman mentioned in Proverbs 31. Lets discuss about his favourite stuffs like color, food, sports, places and personalities as well. This broadcast currently reaches millions of homes in more than 150 countries. This can be a tough old world, God knows, and he knows our weaknesses, and our vulnerabilities. I just recently started watching Past Princes telecast. Joseph Prince (born 15 May 1963) is a Singaporean evangelist and the senior pastor of New Creation Church, which is based in Singapore. She marries Gratiano and escorts Portia on Portia's trip to Venice by disguising herself as her law clerk. False statement if he was referring to Joseph = Christ. Their daughter was born in the year 1978. As a wonderful mum, she has also committed herself to bring Jessica and Justin up in the ways of the Lord. Wendy Prince and her husband Joseph Prince with their children Jessica Shayna and Justin David. A devoted wife to Pastor Prince and a loving mother to Jessica Shayna and Justin David, Wendy Prince epitomizes the virtuous woman mentioned in Proverbs 31. As of March 2023, Joseph Prince has a net worth of about $6 million, all of which comes primarily from his carrier as a priest. Jessica is a mother of two children From her relationship with Brian she the duo has one son named, John. He trusts people and delineates to them with utmost patience- how holiness and kindness are the greatest gifts God has given us. On the one hand, she starred in the biggest film of the 20th century, a love story in which heartthrob-era Leonardo DiCaprio risks his life multiple times because he fell in love with Many people consider her a blessing to her family and the rest of the world. He was one of the churchs founders in 1983. Ive learned MUCH more than that about my lovely Savior, but His perfect work on the cross is what paid in full the redemption price for mankind. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. But he later adopted the name Joseph in 1990. Joseph Xenonamandar Jegahusiee Singh Prince known popularly as Pastor Joseph Prince got married to her in 1994. He is my mentor I adore him much..God bless u pastor. Academic areas only. 23K 244 shares Like [3] They have a daughter and a son. The prophecy that Christ birth rights as Immanuel was robbed was prophesied by Isaiah and repeated in Acts 8:32-33. The original name of Pastor Joseph Prince is Joseph Xenonamandar Jegahusiee Singh Prince. Her . His location fulfills Daniel 8:9 in South East Asia where Singapore is also known as the Lion City. Joseph Prince preaches nothing but the pure gospel of grace, the very same gospel Paul preached. MetPublications is a portal to the Met's comprehensive publishing program featuring over five decades of Met books, Journals, Bulletins, and online publications on art history available to read, download and/or search for free. Comment: You are amaizing man of God from kenya i love you God bless you as you continue teaching us. He copied WORD-FOR-WORD without doing a fact check of Luke 24:46. Thank you Lord. 1. Jegahusiee 10 letter word for the Law and God Joseph Prince Family New King James Version Pastor Joseph Prince is the founder, evangelist, and senior pastor of New Creation Church located in Singapore. SO that it is fulfilled, this wealthy Joseph appears only for a short time. Here you will get Albert Yu-Min Lin's height, weight, net worth,, Do you want to know about Bernie Madoff. and Lastly Malachi 2:12, says specifically that May the LORD cut off from the tents of Jacob (referring to Joseph, see Psalms 78:67) the man who does this, being awake (the AntiChrist is soon awaken) and aware (he is make aware because of my preaching and testimony against him), Yet who brings an offering to the Lord of hosts! Her humility and cordial acceptance of everyone has built unity in her community, although she is not a preacher like her husband. This is the ONLY time he appears as a WEALTHY JEW to buried Christ. Because of your God given talent through His Blessings in you. The birthplace of Joseph Prince is Singapore. Paul Cains death on Feb 12 corresponds to the following Bible Verses. the problem with his death in Santa Maria a huge problem because as according to Christs own words in Luke 13:33, for it CANNOT BE that a prophet SHOULD PERISH outside of JERUSALEM. Look up wiki about this Paul Cain and his mother named him as Paul because she also saw a BRIGHT LIGHT. Tanya Plibersek's daughter has revealed how her mother turned down an opportunity to become Labor leader to help convict her abusive boyfriend. She said, "I was 5. Are you interested to know about Joseph Prince? Judges 2:12 concerning following other gods (this greek god called jesus) instead of the One True God of Israel, Immanuel. If you compare what Jesus says compared to what Joseph Prince (not his real name) says, you will see they do not match up very well. Pastor Joseph Prince - Biography, Facts, Wife, Age, Children, Church. by Jessica Prince read by Sandra Murphy "After years of war, Lincoln Sheppard thought he'd left the violence and ugliness behind. He preaches and teaches scripture in a loving and caring way. The author of best sellers such as The Power of Right Believing, Destined To Reign, and Unmerited Favor, Pastor Prince is also a highly sought-after conference speaker. He studied at Commonwealth Secondary School and completed his A levels at a private school, Our Lady of Lourdes. His Church property fulfills Isaiah 14:12-15 with the Stars, The Congregation and the North Personal Life: Affair, Girlfriends, Wife, Kids Prince was married to Wendy Prince in 1994. The true Christs name is Immanuel is already a Hebrew name. and as according to Luke 2:21 the name JESUS was given by an un-named angel written with a small a. Jessica Rowling Avantes is said to be tying the knot, but the Harry Potter author is keeping the details of the wedding planning under wraps . You can seek out the following about Paul Cain, another false prophet who had called a young Joseph Prince into the ministry in 1992 during a Christian event. According to tradition, his bones were buried at Shechem, oldest of the northern shrines (Joshua 24:32). Joseph has produced several CDs, DVDs, and books, all of which explain Gods teachings thoughtfully and pragmatically. She got married to Joseph in 1994 and God blessed their marriage with two children: Jessica Shayna and Justin David. Amen (And, why not check out his real name, before you say too much; I did, because I wondered. 1 Samuel 2:12 They were corrupt and DID NOT Know the LORD. [2], Prince was born in Singapore, the son of a Sikh priest of Indian origin and a Chinese mother. My sister wasn't even born yet." We do not have any information on Wendys educational background. Therefore, because he is preaching zealously from Pauls letters which Christ Himself has identified Paul with Matthew 7:15 and Genesis 49:27 as a false prophets makes Pastor Joseph Prince also unclean.. Singh is broken into 3 parts to mean Sin (against) God (most) High. You are precious to God! There is no available information on her parents, childhood, growing up, and life. Joseph is 59 years old as of 2022. now put Acts 1:23 together and the ANSWER IS (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You have entered an incorrect email address! Quick summary Full name: Joseph Prince Date of birth: 15 May 1963 Birthplace: Singapore, Malaysia Age: 54 Profession: evangelist, a church founder Height: NA It further added that Senior Pastor Prince is the main pillar of our churchs growth and revenue.. (NOT was added, thanks), Just to correct an error in the following statement I have written, So Hear what the voice from Heaven says in Revelation 18:4-6. I asked God if Joseph Prince was intentionally leading people to hell, because I know he has studied the Bible and knows that God said we must repent to be forgiven, and God said yes, Joseph Prince is working for the enemy on purpose. I have bookmarked it for later! Wendy Prince is a devout Christian who has a powerful love for God. Thank you in advance for your much appreciated assistance with my day, The prince asks Portia not to judge him by his dark complexion, assuring her that he is as valorous as any European man. So beware. I am a journalist by profession. There was a typo error. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2021. Therefore, she went into counseling to help share Gods love and to make a difference in peoples lives. The tag name is Joseph Prince. By born He is from Singapore. With more than two decades of full-time ministry behind him, Pastor Joseph Prince is today a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace around the world through his teaching resources and television ministry. And to put a nail into the coffin, this jesus in Acts 13:6 is a sorcerer to corresponds to Revelation 21:7 where sorcerers CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. "[7][8] On 15 April 2009, Deacon Matthew Kang, the church chairman, responded that it was not a public charity and did not solicit public donations, asserting that "there is absolutely no compulsion to give whether in tithes or offerings, and any giving is done out of a willing heart", and that "every giver is appreciated and it is taken in good faith that he believes in the elected leadership and will trust them to make good decisions for the particular church he has chosen to attend, whether as a member or a visitor. The Holy Spirit was sent so that Paul can deliberately demonstrate his disobedience and that he is a false prophet. Jesus Christ, crucified in my place, is all I really need to know. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Rank. En tout cas les enseignements de Joseph prince me fascinent car il ne cherche pas compliquer la comprhension de ses messages. In the last couple of months I have been watching and listening to your ministry on TBN. Under Review. However, she always celebrates her birthday on the 16th of September every year. Joseph Prince's income source is mostly from being a successful . He studied at Commonwealth Secondary School and completed his A levels at a private school, Our Lady of Lourdes. So Hear what the voice from Heaven says in Revelation 18:4-6. She is not really the social media type as she seldom posts on her Instagram page. You words of healing sickness and your books give me strength everyday. Not only through the message of grace, but also with the break down of scripture. Tv. The report further stated that the New Creation Church council had stated that Prince had not received any salary from the organisation since 2009. I love his knowledge of the Word and how he makes it easier to understand for those watching and listening. 51,638 talking about this. Learn how your comment data is processed. Titus 2:11-14 KJV Reports have estimated her husband, Pastor Joseph Prince, to be worth around $50 million. Lucky me I ran across your site by accident His desire is to help believers understand the new covenant of grace and realize how greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved they are by their heavenly Father. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. this is a fulfillment of Isaiah 14:13. But now I shall challenge you, please by all means defy the name Immanuel and see if God will not seek you out and show you HIS FIERY JUDGEMENT. He was elected as a senior pastor in 1990, his appointment heralding a growth in the congregation from 150 attendees to over 30,000. Josephs ministry as pastor, teacher, conference speaker and author continues to transform many lives, setting people free from the heavy yoke of the law, guilt and condemnation by pointing them to Jesus and His finished work at Calvary.
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