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mythbusters dailymotion season 5

Adam called this explosion "the best we've ever done". They then attempted to scale the wall, but found that scaling a wall with just a grappling hook and rope was too difficult and time consuming. With such definitive results, the Build Team declared the myth confirmed. This concept was also demonstrated during the Lethal Lava Lamp myth, when Grant successfully caused a lava lamp to explode by spraying it with water. The piece of debris smashed through the window and decapitated the dummy, proving the myth was true. Mythbusters | Bottle Bash | Full Episode - video Dailymotion If a person is being dragged by a horse, the friction caused by the movement will make the jeans catch fire. To test this myth, the build team procured a car, a big rig, and a device that could measure a car's fuel efficiency. Watch fullscreen. 6. A person can fool a lie detector test from an. An observer who is touching a patient who is being defibrillated can be killed from the shock. The myth was deemed plausible rather than confirmed because there is no recorded historical precedent for this myth. The results showed that the entire team — Tory, Jamie, and Grant  — reached the base faster by sliding than by running, by a fraction of a second, supporting the explanation that as they ran, Tory, Jamie, and Grant had to slow down at the last second so their momentum would not carry them past the base. As a control, he was put into a chair that helped induce seasickness while Tory and Kari kept track of how long it would take for him to vomit. To make the test results genuine, Tory and Grant were instructed to steal money from a safe while the innocent Kari was used as a control. The Build Team then agreed that friction alone cannot make jeans catch fire. The MythBusters then fired the cannon at maximum power. The tests showed that the igniting gunpowder did not move very fast, with Adam showing that a brisk walk is enough to overtake the flame. However, the MythBusters pointed out that any shrapnel thrown from such a powerful blast could kill a person. The automatic car had a fail safe to prevent it from going into reverse while traveling forward, while the manual car could only engage reverse gear if it was stationary. Rate. A superhero can punch a person so hard, he can leave a scar that matches the imprint on his ring. When they consulted an expert, he pointed out that it would be more prudent to either block or dodge the sword rather than trying to catch it with one's bare palms. However, neither of them could beat the polygraph. The thickness of the paper, ...cannot see through a crystallized plate cover. A Chevy Impala with rockets can move fast enough to achieve flight. 1. The dog only found Adam after 90 minutes of wandering around, and had taken a different path than Adam. A gun can fire a bullet with lethal force if stored inside a hot oven. They then placed a grenade inside it and detonated it. The MythBusters then calculated that it would take more than 2,000 lb (910 kg) of force to keep the rowboat and the air pocket underwater, making the myth impractical if not impossible. 0. On bases that a player cannot overrun, it is faster to slide into them. Many houses have caught fire because of makeshift replacements for blown electric fuses. Then, they investigate if a high-powered fountain can actually lift and suspend a human. In this episode, the MythBusters test several myths based on scenes from the film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and other pirate movies. (From, The Build Team obtained steering wheels with working airbags and created a pair of ballistics gel hands that would simulate a driver holding the steering wheel at the 10–2 position. There is not enough water pressing on the door to keep it shut. This page was last edited on 7 June 2020, at 10:23. Like the taxi, the team towed the school bus across the path of the 747 engine exhaust. Following the old saying, Jamie and Adam see if they can teach an old dog new tricks. .22-, .44-, and .50-caliber cartridges were places inside an oven. However, once the dog was finished, it attacked the intruder. Despite our postponed deadline, this week came out really good. The MythBusters calculated that the lethal amount of force required to kill a fish is 8.15 pounds per square inch (56.2 kPa). Rate. With some coaching, the Build Team learned how to slide like baseball players. Rate. This myth was revisited in season 5, wherein Jamie mentioned Top Gear (though not by name, just as a "British car show") and it was explained that while speed cameras in the UK require two consecutive photographs for a conviction, US speed cameras require only one. The MythBusters test three skydiving myths based on a scene in the film Point Break. That's right it's the Mythbusters Viewer special. They also proved that breaking the window is a viable way to escape a sinking car, if one has a suitable tool. Within five minutes, Tory was able to free one of his arms. Rate. Rate. They then drove the car behind a moving big rig at various distances ranging from 100 to 2 ft (30.48 to 0.61 m) and measured the amount of fuel the car consumed. A representative from the National Rodeo Association later corroborated the results, explaining that bulls seldom move when placed in tight confinement like pens and trailers. However, there were fears that the bucket would in fact contribute to the damage by being turned into shrapnel itself. Finally, they let the gasoline catch up to the tank, and it did not explode. A second test later showed it to be possible to escape the car simply by opening the door, but only by remaining calm and not attempting to open the door until the interior is well and truly flooded, so as to conserve oxygen while holding one's breath. However, once they removed the dolphin, the sharks immediately began attacking the lures and bait again. As a control test, the MythBusters then went back into the same exact room with light-accustomed eyes and ran into the same difficulty as the first test. ...as soon as water covers the car window from the outside. While the movement and friction did increase the surface temperature of the jeans, it was not enough to cause the jeans to combust. In small-scale testing, the MythBusters started with a small six-gallon (23 L) water heater and disabled all of its safety features under the theory of poor installation or neglect. The hammer broke the window on the first try. 5 years ago | 1 view [RS] - Runescape Mythbusters - [Mini Myths] Report. 3. This verdict is in contrast to. Jamie, Adam, and the build team (Kari, Grant, and Tory) reflect on their years together working on Mythbusters. The Build Team's test used a brand new rifle. The Build Team was given a short play (involving Jamie and local actors playing deliverymen) and were later quizzed about minor events, in which they failed miserably. MythBusters Season 5 Episode 25: Airplane Hour Summary: Can an average joe land a 747 plane with no training and experience?Can a plane take off on a conveyer belt moving in the opposite direction?And lots of Skydiving Myths!SEASON FINALE!. A single shelf was knocked over by accident by the first bull released in the pen, and a few dishes were knocked to the ground when as many as four bulls were running around, but overall, the bulls proved surprisingly nimble. Rate. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Top Gear – Richard Hammond vs the speed camera round 3 – BBC, Top Gear Series 4 Episode 8 (18 July 2004), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MythBusters_(2007_season)&oldid=961238213, Television articles with incorrect naming style, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Using the same compounds used in the Hindenburg's paint, the MythBusters discovered they could combine to form highly incendiary. Rate. The water did not perform as well as the milk, because the discomfort immediately returned once the water left the mouth. After some research, Adam and Jamie built a replica of a period prison cell (based on one in. Using a robot, Jamie dropped a box of cartridges with varying calibers directly onto a campfire. Jamie tested his handheld winch, which managed to pull him up 27 ft (8.2 m) in just 20 seconds. A boat moving at 25 mph (40 km/h) can be split down the middle by hitting a channel marker. Kari, Grant, and Tori test the claims of several anti-gravity devices. 2003 Streaming Guide TV Shows Documentary MythBusters. Without a gun barrel to contain and direct the propellant gases, the bullets did not develop enough speed to pierce the glass or steel portions of the oven. To replicate the results, the Build Team encased the lockpick in a. In large-scale testing, an even trail of gunpowder was laid out on a plywood floor. In the end, they agreed that the myth was "Appropriately Supersized". Adam figured that once the keg was light enough, (and everyone in the party drunk enough) the keg could be tossed in. Adam is unable to escape. Within minutes, the dog found Adam's scent. He did show that with the use of ninja Shuko climbing claws, he could easily block a sword with a single hand. While designed to distort the plate from an angle, all or most of the letters of the plate were still identifiable in the tests. 3. For the full-scale test, Grant built his own rig (dubbed "The Mad Batter") that could both swing the bat and pitch the ball at the same time. Rate. The MythBusters first tried to confirm whether a steam-powered machine gun in fact existed. However, since both MythBusters had no flight experience and had no idea what most of the instruments and controls did, their attempts ended badly. Mythbusters. ...attempting to break the window using a set of keys, ...attempting to break the window using a cell phone, ...attempting to break the window using steel-toed boots, ...attempting to break the window using a. The MythBusters started with small-scale tests, and determined their old JATO configuration was not suitable for the myth, because the top-mounted rockets caused the car to veer off course. Grant was eventually forced to rely on outside help to escape, confirming the myth that the sand necktie is a lethal and dastardly way to get rid of a person. His eyes were fully intact. The MythBusters test ways to beat police road spikes using DIY ingenuity and Hollywood driving skills. However, the defibrillator failed to detonate the patches, including reproductions of older-model aluminum-backed patches, as well pure nitroglycerin dabbed directly to the body. A thief attempted to pick the lock of a car and accidentally tripped the side airbag, launching the lockpick with enough force to skewer his skull. Grant then constructed a punching robot that could replicate these forces. (From. The presence of dolphins can deter sharks from attacking their prey. The Build Team first performed several small-scale tests using wind tunnels, and demonstrated that objects with a greater surface area do, in fact, have a slower terminal velocity than objects with equal mass but smaller surface area. Season: OR . With these results and with plenty of anecdotal evidence, the MythBusters decided that the myth was plausible. The reason was that cork bats have less mass to transfer force into the ball, and the cork actually absorbs some of the ball's impact. Watch fullscreen. To test this myth without putting themselves in danger, the Build Team constructed three fake. The sharp, heavy nails caused almost as much damage as the grapeshot, tearing through the target with relative ease. Using a simple air cannon and four pig carcasses, the MythBusters proved that a cannonball could penetrate at least four pigs with a single shot. And they don't just explain if something's true or false: through trial and error, they demonstrate it. 9. The MythBusters used various methods to try to get both crocodiles and alligators to chase them using lures or openly provoking the animals. Through small-scale tests, the team noticed that whenever they tried to have their model boat hit the channel marker dead on, the boat would just glance off with minimal damage. Rate. ...making an urban maze with many more smells. In light of these results, the MythBusters deemed it was confirmed. 4. Overall, while a few methods managed to work, the guard dogs can be specifically trained to ignore certain distractions. Despite the "busted" designation, Jamie emphasized that avalanches are "finicky beasts" and cases of skiers unintentionally setting them off have been noted. Kari was the fastest, changing in just 33 seconds, while Tory was the slowest, taking over 90 seconds to change. By streamlining their bodies, people can catch up to other people in tandem free falling at terminal velocity in the skydiving position with a 15-second head start from 15,000 ft (4,600 m). The petroleum jelly failed to work, which made the MythBusters rather disgusted. Grant theorized that if they covered themselves in wolf urine, they may survive (if they can tolerate the smell). Adam also joked that it would be another way that one could lose an eyebrow like he famously did in. However, the ball remained intact. They then tested whether just the shock wave could kill the fish; using pressure patches, they found it can kill the fish, meaning a person would not need to actually hit the fish. The retest involved placing simulated lips against the trombone's mouthpiece so as to seal that end. 31 Jan. 2018 Dynamite Deposit. The MythBusters see what it takes to shake a scent hound. Rate. For the control test, they measured Adam's heart rate and physical stress levels when he was shown a box full of bees and had to put his hand inside of it. Report. A person can waterski behind a full-sized cruise ship. However, all of the crocodiles and alligators with which they experimented either did not react, followed them slowly, or made a single lunge. Kari then had an RFID tag placed inside her arm and was placed inside the MRI. A tire on a big rig can explode with lethal force. While many of them immediately discharged, it appeared that none of the bullets could be lethal. Because they were placed in a container, the steak knives were all pointing forward and had their direction set. While the ballistics gel dummy was completely destroyed, only one of the plywood dummies suffered any severe damage, and the damage caused was not lethal. 3. As a result, Grant received $1000, while Kari and Tory were forced to ride the bus back to San Francisco. Rate. The hand managed to slap the bullet, but it was not powerful enough to significantly change the bullet's trajectory (it just cut the hand). When they went back in with an eye that had been covered for thirty minutes, the MythBusters were able to complete the test in a fraction of the time. 7. If a car falls into the water and becomes submerged, the door cannot be opened until the interior is flooded. 8. While drivers were found to get better traction on an icy road while driving in reverse, when put into practice, the increased traction did not offset the sheer difficulty of driving in reverse. To test this myth, Adam tried various special shoe designs, including, To start off, Jamie fired arrows blunted with. While the aerosol cans exploded rather violently, the worst damage they could do was cause burns. They timed the total free fall time at just 31 seconds, which would make the 90-second free fall scene in the movie impossible, especially considering the additional time needed to account for parachuting was not factored in (the Simulaid was simply dropped to the ground, exploding on impact). Adam and Jamie constructed a large box and placed it on top of scale and then filled it with captured pigeons. Mythbusters Season 3 Episode 4 Is Yawning Contagious Mythbusters Season 3 Episode 4 Is Yawning Contagious Watch Free Online Though breaking the window quickly floods the interior, Adam only has to hold his breath for a few seconds before climbing through the simulated "broken window" and surfacing. 4. Then, the MythBusters activated a special contraption that would force the pigeons to fly into the air, but they could not detect any discernible difference in the weight of the box. While their fire that they used to test bullets on an open fire was still going, Adam and Jamie took the opportunity to test the danger and lethality of other containers or pressure vessels when placed into a fire. We will still try hard to get a Mythbusters up every Monday but there are not infinite myths to test. Mythbusters Season 8 Episode 1 Boomerang Bullet. 8. 1. To ensure the car would get into the air, the MythBusters set up a ramp built from two shipping containers. Rate. Season 8 Episode 25 of MythBusters resulted in a 0.00 rating in the 18-49 demographic. Adam and Jamie got a request from Chris, a 12-year-old fan, to blow up his parents' car (he had his parents' permission and the car looked old to viewers). During the retest, Adam showed the same amounts of fear and physical stress as the control test, showing he still possessed his fear. 7. ...cannot see through commercial distortion spray, ...cannot take a picture of a car if it is going fast enough, The speed camera managed to catch a pair of trained. Browse more videos . It would be impossible for a person's eyes to pop out because of the number of natural attachments that keep the eye inside the socket. It proved to be impossible for an unamplified voice to extinguish a candle; however, a singer in a local group was able to put the candle out through amplification. Watch MythBusters - The Simpsons Special (s17 e1) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent MythBusters, Season 17 Episode 1, is available to watch and stream on Discovery Channel. They then placed a model helicopter inside the box and had it hover above the ground, but this method also failed to produce any results. Error: please try again. Because Tory had no real issues that could be resolved through self-hypnosis, the Build Team instead brought Adam and tried to cure him of his irrational fear of bees. They then used a Dillon Aero M134 minigun and several thousand rounds of ammunition to destroy the barrel and fish. Through small-scale tests, the MythBusters discovered that gasoline burns at just over 3 mph (4.8 km/h), which is as fast as a brisk walk. Plus, the airbag is placed in a way that it would never be pointing towards the lockpick, meaning it could never be launched. The Build Team started off with a small-scale test by dropping dry and humid balls from a certain height. In the end, the MythBusters concluded there is no possible way that a pirate's knife would be able to be at the perfect balance between dullness and sharpness to safely cut through a sail. During the test, Tory attempted to use pain to hide his lying, while Grant tried to focus his mind. The professional fighter's level of strength produced similar results. They then constructed a rig that would mimic a human hand making a slapping motion and used it to try to slap bullets fired from a 9-mm handgun. This is the sixth episode in which earlier myths are retested. The Build Team theorized that because driving backwards is so difficult by itself, the ice compounded that difficulty, rendering any additional traction useless. Finally, trying to cause an explosion, the MythBusters filled the tank with enough gasoline to get the fuel/air mixture into the "butter zone", where the right mix of air and gasoline vapor will cause an explosion. For the full-scale test, Tory, while in tandem with another sky diver, jumped out of a plane and assumed the skydiving position. However, when fired at a wooden wall, the splinters did not have enough power to pierce any of the pigs. Eventually, it did attack before the intruder could move very far. ...throwing the grenade inside a refrigerator. Neither a human nor superhuman strength kick could trigger the airbag. Also, the legality of such a device was questioned. The oven door failed to stop .38-caliber rounds, .357-magnum rounds, and shotgun shells. The nipple piercing did cause a severe burn (and caused cratering in the ballistics gel dummy), but only when the paddles were placed very close to the piercing. The pressure shockwave of a bullet hitting the water is enough to kill a fish. Also like the taxi, the school bus was lifted off the ground; it rolled 1½ times and was completely demolished. Rate. The team did not use a Bible for religious reasons, so a hardcover book (the pocket reference of the MythBusters with similar properties to a Bible) was used, and was able to prevent a sword being thrust at human strength and speed from piercing the pig's flesh. 0. (From. 2. Maybe our best yet!\r\rThis is the fifth episode of our MW2 Mythbusters series..\r\rPM us or leave a comment below of a myth you want to be seen on our next episode...\r\rAny other requests for videos send us an e-mail or personal message via YouTube\r\rWe also want to start a Top 5 Fails of the Week so send us your Fail clips at deluxemultimedia@gmail.com and we might put them on our Top 5 Fails of the W eek...\r\rAlso. Adam and Jamie tested several cannonball myths involving improvised cannon ammunition and whether they are lethal or not. However, this test also failed. Search. A sniper can kill another sniper by shooting straight through the, The retest used a 19th-century double-barreled shotgun made through. MythBusters Season 5 show reviews & Metacritic score: Did a Medieval Chinese astrologer make it into space by strapping rockets to his chair and setting them off? Grant and Tory used the milk as a measuring stick for the rest of the supposed cures. For this retest, they used a genuine steel anvil and used a rig that would make the hammer strike against the top of the anvil. Once the car sank, Adam exited the vehicle and cut a hole in the tire and attempted to breathe the air leaking from it. Watch MythBusters Season 4. 10. 31 Jan. 2018 Dynamite Deposit. Despite the testimony of some pitchers, even going as fast as the fastest ever recorded pitch, a baseball cannot generate an aerodynamic lift force greater than its own weight. With Terry's help, both Adam and Jamie were able to land their planes safely. The MythBusters modified their cork bat rig to fire the baseball at much higher speeds. This episode featured Roger Clemens as a guest star in a short segment explaining the physics behind different pitches. Rate. The point of the punch can work like the tip of the hammer, and punches are sold for the purpose of breaking window glass. However, they determined the bullets could cause many non-lethal injuries. The dog went to the area covered with pepper for a little while, before going back to Adam. Drivers who hold the steering wheel in the 10–2 position can have their thumbs ripped off by a deploying airbag. They then tested the rig at a baseball field using humid balls, dry balls, and control balls stored in a normal environment. The lead bullet penetrated farther than the silver bullet due to its greater density and mass, thus is more effective in bringing down an opponent. A person can outrun a crocodile by running in zig-zags. Rate. 0. Through preliminary testing, they proved the Civil War cannon was significantly more powerful than the air cannon. The Build Team surmises that the banana-peel effect could be achieved if this were to happen in an older rifle that has endured more wear and tear from firings. Tests showed that the cannon could launch the ball 80 miles per hour. Adam outran the fire and kicked out the trail with plenty of time to spare. The results showed that the dry balls tended to bounce higher than the humid balls. Error: please try again. Rate. When the airbag deployed, it knocked the arms off the steering wheel, but did not cause any visible damage to the thumbs. All was in compliance with. 5. Unlike the episode, however, where the fridge absorbed the explosive force enough to leave bystanders unharmed, the flying debris from the MythBusters' test destroyed the dummies immediately in front and behind of the refrigerator, though standing to the sides seemed safe. Mythbusters Season 8 Episode 1 Boomerang Bullet. S1, Ep1 ... To test if you can explode a toilet, the Mythbusters get a crash-test dummy that they name Buster. While a popular tactic used by baseball players, some speculate that sliding will actually slow a person down due to the friction being exerted between their bodies and the ground. Taking an actual piece of the exploded tire, the MythBusters launched it at its measured initial velocity into a pig spine-equipped ballistics gel dummy behind a car window. Error: please try again. The Build Team also tested if one could prevent an opponent's sword from piercing the chest with... Jamie and Adam investigated myths inspired by reports of gun owners attempting to use their ovens to store guns and ammunition since a proper gun cabinet isn't available - and then running into trouble if they forgot to remove the guns and ammo before using the oven. The guard dog was distracted by smelling and eating the steak long enough for Kari to reach her goal. This allowed them to hit the target, causing serious cuts and lacerations. Pixelmon Mythbusters! 6. The commercial spray failed to obscure the license plate. Ninjas can catch a sword in between their bare palms. The bra did cause a burn, but only when the wire was exposed and the paddles were placed very close to the exposed wire. Viewers will pick myths they think need to be tested and the MythBusters will pick the best to test. Though not perfect, one advantage to this method is that the hero does not have to sacrifice himself. 10. Each member had the choice of stealing either a ring or a watch, and then underwent a lie detector test while being scanned by the fMRI. The cartridge casings actually caused more damage than the bullets. This myth was based on the comic book superhero, First, the Build Team measured the force of their punches, and compared them to the punching strength of professional fighters. Were fast enough to kill someone of rum, modern detergent, period soap, the! To successfully land a plane investigate if a person can break a light bulb using drain cleaner out... As soon as water covers the car was no shrapnel from the shock was stopped any. 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