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sprained ankle in spanish meaning

Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. torcerse. Exemplos: el televisor, un piso. SPRAIN 8 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) SPRAIN 8 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) SPRAIN 10 is a valid word in WWF. Rehabilitation exercises may be helpful after the sprain heals. Sprain Meaning in Urdu Translation is "Mooch Ana" and Sprain synonym words Rick, Turn, Twist and Wrench. sprain translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'Spain',sprang',sprawling',spring', examples, definition, conjugation See more. Pronunciation roman Urdu is "Mooch Ana" and Translation of Sprain … Sprain meaning in other languages. Sprain meaning in other languages. If you have a ligament sprain, you may benefit from physical therapy to help you fully recover. Other translations. torcer, torcedura Spanish Discuss this sprain English translation with the community: Sprain definition, to overstrain or wrench (the ligaments of an ankle, wrist, or other joint) so as to injure without fracture or dislocation. A sprained ankle occurs when the ligaments are forced beyond their normal range of motion. A: Torcerse el tobillo. A sprained ankle is an injury that occurs when you roll, twist or turn your ankle in an awkward way. Q: What does to sprain one's ankle mean? How to say sprain in Latin What's the Latin word for sprain? How to use sprain in a sentence. Punjabi meaning of word Sprain. Spanish: torcedura Verb To weaken, as a joint, ligament, or muscle, by sudden and excessive exertion, as by wrenching; to overstrain, or stretch injuriously, but without luxation; as, to sprain one's ankle. (joint where leg meets foot) tobillo nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. esguince. Sprain meaning in Punjabi. Your physical therapist will use various techniques to improve your pain, swelling, and overall range of motion and strength around the area where your ligament is sprained. sprain (English) Origin & history 1601, verb attested 1622. Sprain nearby words. (verb) Sprained definition: (of a joint) having been injured by a sudden twisting or wrenching of its ligaments | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: ankle n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. IPA: /spɹeɪn/ Rhymes: -eɪn; Noun sprain (pl. Punjabi translation of Sprain. Sprain nearby words. View more answers Q: What does sprain and twist. This may mean you have an infection. A sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament while a strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon. You develop redness or red streaks that spread out from the injured area. Translate sprain into Spanish. mean? Herida que ocurre en los ligamentos o juntas causada por un repentino estiramiento excesivo. Possibly a , from Latin exprimere‎, in which case cognate to express‎. torcer. Translation for 'sprained ankle' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations. Here's a list of translations. You can get more than one meaning for one word in Urdu. Spanish translation of Sprain. This can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that help hold your ankle bones together. Similar words of Sprain are also commonly used in daily talk like as Spraint, Sprained and Spraining. What does spraining mean? Similar English verbs: recover, enjoy, exhibit Ballack was taken off with an ankle sprain after taking an awkward step midway through the first half of a practice game against Servette Geneva under18 squad on Thursday. Un desgarro y un esguince son diferentes. Latin Translation. A sprained ankle, also known as an ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, floppy ankle, ankle injury or ankle ligament injury, is a common medical condition where one or more of the ligaments of the ankle is torn or partially torn. Sprain definition is - a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments. English to Spanish Dictionary gives you the best and accurate Spanish meanings of Sprain Noun Verb. Find words for sprain in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. Sprain Punjabi meaning along with definition. You have a severe sprain. Spanish meaning of word Sprain. sprain verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. Sprain. Secondseeded Roddick shrugged off an ankle sprain and was nearly perfect in beating Wesley Moodie of South Africa 75 63 62 in the second round. A sprained ankle is an injury to one or more ligaments in the ankle. Pronunciation. Strain, sprain significan una herida o lastimadura a una parte del cuerpo que resulta de un estiramiento excesivo. Contextual translation of "sprained ankle" into Malay. Translated sprained ankle in spanish meaning sentences containing `` muscle sprain '' – Spanish-English dictionary dictionary online all translations! Translated example sentences containing `` muscle sprain '' – Spanish-English dictionary be given in tamil Origin & history,! Ankle n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality sprained ankle in spanish meaning.. De ayuda una vez que el esguince se cura has been injured a number times... A sudden overstretching the Latin word for sprain engine for Spanish translations better understanding of the context translation for ankle... 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